The Flow of a Melting Contour In One Day

4 channels 4 screens
Single screen: 1080p
Duration: 17’00” loop
Python script for shuffling frames

A leg made of ice was attached onto a disabled chair. After one day, it still stands. Six cameras set up at the same height, and each shoots at the chair every 15 seconds interval from a different position, to record the changes happened to this chair in one day. Images shot by the six cameras were connected, and through post-editing, presents the same chair with four different focal points. This shows the object’s four ways of motion through perspective changes across spatial angles. Through showing the same object in four channels with different focal points, the artist tries to construct a flow of appearances in multiple dimensions: spatial changes of the camera, focal point changes on the chair, and the melting of the ice leg in time.

Still Frame

China Academy of Art Musume, Hangzhou | 2018

Shotting Live | 2015

Shotting live | 2015